10 Tips to Improve Communication Skills at Work

Gyan skool
4 min readMar 17, 2022


Image source: pexels.com

Challenging workplace relationships can be tough, whether you’re dealing with passive-aggressive coworkers or just someone who doesn’t know how to get along with others in general. Improving your communication skills at work will help you deal with these kinds of situations, as well as make your relationships with other employees more positive and efficient in general. Here are 10 tips to improve communication skills at work.

  1. Speak Clearly

Communication skills are important in any workplace. Whether you’re speaking to colleagues, clients or upper management, it’s vital that you communicate clearly and effectively. While many of us might consider speaking English our first language, miscommunication is a problem in most offices. It’s easy for us to misinterpret someone else because we hear words and interpret them differently than they were intended. When communicating with others at work, be sure your message is clear by articulating yourself more precisely. And if someone else doesn’t communicate clearly with you? Address it head-on; chances are they aren’t aware of their own communication issues. That will certainly put a damper on things, but better out in the open now than down a road later!

2) Listen Actively

There’s a reason why good communication skills are on nearly every list of things that lead to success in any workplace: It’s because listening well is critical. Good communicators can make an impression quickly by genuinely seeming interested in what others have to say. By asking thoughtful questions, we show that we are attentive and curious.

3) Avoid Jargon

You can’t expect others to understand you if you can’t be understood. So avoid jargon, buzzwords, acronyms and industry terms. Instead, use everyday language that anyone can understand. In other words, speak English! Keep it Simple: Don’t confuse listeners with complicated concepts or difficult-tograsp arguments. Use examples that listeners can relate to in order to explain complex ideas more clearly.

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4) Prepare Properly

When you’re getting ready for a communication-heavy meeting, prepare just as much for it as you would for a major presentation. If you know that you’ll be presenting information in English and not your native language, take some time to brush up on your skills. Memorize phrases and tips from experts; study videos of English speakers; practice by practicing English every day when you get up and before bed — whatever it takes so that you can make sure everyone else is speaking properly at work. This may seem unnecessary, but sometimes these little steps are what separate great communicators from those who leave others out of the loop. A good plan not only puts you in control but also makes sure other people do their part too.

5) Use Your Body Language

Effectively Even if you’re on a first-name basis with your coworkers, it doesn’t mean that communication is easy. At work, you may be required to interpret body language and tone of voice — not just listen for words. If an employee seems distracted or upset, taking a moment to ask how he or she is doing can go a long way. The same goes for co-workers who are always too busy for lunch: Well-timed pauses in their day may be all it takes for them to feel understood and valued by their colleagues. Even better, simple gestures like eye contact or giving someone your full attention when they speak can boost your workplace relationships. Make every moment count with these tips on how to improve communication skills at work!

6) Stay Positive

A positive attitude is one of the most important tools you can bring to your workplace. When you’re upbeat and engaged with colleagues, it’s easier for everyone around you to communicate effectively. Try smiling more, listening carefully, and responding thoughtfully — this will help build trust with others. Positive communication can make all other areas of work (like sales and collaboration) much smoother.

7) Practice Makes Perfect

You may be surprised by how much you’re able to improve your communication skills through deliberate practice. So, next time you find yourself frustrated in a work meeting or with a colleague, think about what you could have done differently in order to have been more successful. Then, spend some time practicing those tactics ahead of time so that when it comes time for another work situation, your response is more instinctual and better thought out. It will not only help you succeed with your communication skills but also help make everyone around you feel like they’re being heard — and what could be better than that?

8) Get Ready for Questions & Answer Them

There’s nothing worse than having a job interview go poorly because you can’t answer basic questions like What is your greatest weakness? or Why do you want to work here? Practice these questions — and be ready with some good answers

9) Don’t Worry About Repetition

Repetition is often one of many techniques used in training and communication. It’s best to not worry about sounding repetitive — use it as a tool, rather than a limitation. If something needs saying once, say it twice. If it can be said three times, repeat it thrice. You’ll find that you communicate more effectively if you don’t fear redundancy (and your audience will thank you for it). Here are some other tips for communicating more clearly

10) Ask for Feedback

People who don’t seek out advice often miss out on opportunities for self-improvement. Asking for feedback from a mentor or colleague is a great way to develop your skills and connect with other people. If you’re struggling with a specific challenge, chances are there’s someone around you who can help. Get in touch and ask them how they would handle it



Gyan skool

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